Sunday, May 12, 2019


Current Tauxenent Chief Keziah Boston, a descendant of the we-ro-an-squa (female ruler), Keziah Powhatan, a historic leader in Fairfax County, Virginia who burned down the courthouse as retaliation for her stolen land, a part of 5,000,000 acres, that was given to Lord Thomas Fairfax (Scottish baron) by his cousin, King Charles II of England. (See D.A.R. Plaque below and *boundary of Fairfax Land Grant).which also was included in the original boundary markers of the Federal City now called the District of Columbia or Washington, DC. 

D.A.R. Plaque, Tyson's Corner, Vienna, Virginia

The sad fact is that the American words, "Dogue" and "Tauxenent" are not familiar names to most Washingtonians... 
Or even in the Metropolitan DC Area. 
  • Not to the general public.
  • Not to the Media.
  • Not to the DC Government.
  • Not to the Federal Government and its workers.
  • Not even to the private and Public Schools, or the many universities and other institutions of higher learning. 

ANSWER: (a) Lack of interest? _X_.
                  (b) Misinformation?  _X_.
                  (c) Poor education? _X_.

To learn these Algonquian names one must see the maps below. If recent tribal names or groups claiming to be Washington, DC's tribes do not appear here, they were never a part of the Nation's Capital. And, today, there are a few historically undocumented claimants to DC! They seem unaware of the city's Indigenous history and have even spread misinformation about their indigenous DC status to Congress, the Senate, to the city’s government and to educational institutions in the DMV.  Their publicized myths about tribal claims of historic DC or the original Federal City origins is as erroneous as similar myths associated with the fictitious Pocahontas. At least she, the real historic Pocahontas, by descent can be considered to be a DC Native via her inclusion in her father's Powhatan Paramountcy Territory whose leader, Wahunsenachaw (aka the second Powhatan, or “Dreamer”), created the first 16th century *caucus on Capitol Hill. Chroniclers of the time said, “Powhatan never left his area.” *Caucus: From corcas. From Powhatan Algonquian: caucauasuor "counselor". First recorded by Captain John Smith. Today, it
is a political meeting to make decisions.
John Smith's Map of the Virginia Territory that includes Powhatan's domain of 32-34 nations known historically as a Kingdom, Confederacy or "Chiefdom", along with the "tribes" of the area.

  • Enlargement of the Washington Post's map of the Powhatan Confederacy's Dogue or Tauxenent Territory that included parts of today's Northern Virginia and Washington, DC.

1607: Powhatan Land and Water Areas = Approximately 16,000 square miles [Note: A Washington Post map by Gene Thorpe dated December 13, 2006, showed that the above land and water areas were between 18,700 to 19,250 square miles.]
The above John Smith 1607 map is not as easily read as the maps below. Their contemporary rendering, with the enlargement of a part of the Metropolitan Washington DC Area, marks an area of the Powhatan Confederacy's Territory of allied Algonquian Nations. The northernmost nation was that of the Dogues or Tauxenent whose descendants still reside in the Metropolitan Area and whose families have retained both family stories and an unbroken connection to their Native American heritage. Unless you know the names of these families, you may think that they had succumbed to **Document or "Paper Genocide." 

The Racial Integrity Law has contributed to the confusion of the racial identities of many individuals in the DC Metropolitan Area's population. With the influx of newly arriving populations, the issue of Indigenous survival is not generally known. Extinction of the indigenous people is more commonly believed by "newcomers", but is not limited to them. 


The historical evidence shows that the two major Amerindian Algonquian nations were within today's finalized boundaries of Washington, DC. They are Tauxenent on both banks of the Potomac River and were the Nacotchtanks (Anacostins) on the Anacostia River. Only the descendants of the Tauxenents can be found in both DC proper and across the river in Fairfax and other counties of Northern Virginia. The historic Nacotchtanks were seen as leaders in the beaver fur trade, a commodity coveted by northern rival Native nations and the newly arrived English. The Nacotchtanks' main town was bombarded and destroyed by the English and their Potowomek allies (a Stafford County [Powhatan] nation for whom the River of the Cohonks was renamed, "Potomac", and the co-kidnappers of Pocahontas). The remnant Nacotchtanks survivors left the area to seek refuge and seemingly assimilated within other tribes, probably to the north and west.

For those still here, one just has to know the family names of the surviving Tauxenents of the Tri-state area. Unfortunately, currently, there is widespread confusion by some, especially a few writers and some groups who have belatedly laid claim on DC's Indigenous identity.    

* Land belonging to the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron Cameron, bounded within the Bay of Chesapeake and between the Rivers Rappahannock and Potowamack [Potomac] in Virginia.

** Document Genocide: The systematic governmental erasure of Native American links to contemporary Virginia families. The practice codified by the 1924 Racial Integrity Law enacted by the Virginia Government under the influence of Dr., Walter Ashby Plecker, Director of the state's Vital Statistics. The law, upon the pain of imprisonment, forbade the documenting of Virginia Indian's racial designation as "Indian". The Eugenics Movement copied by Plecker and Germany's Nazi Party was responsible for the denial of genetic descent from Virginia's Amerindian people. The victims off the reservation were deemed Non-Indian or "colored", a designation which led to "Negro" then "Black". Plecker's influence reached beyond Richmond, Virginia into the surrounding states and the District of Columbia.